Hey everyone! Sorry for the prolonged radio silence D: just wanted to let you know that I'm currently in the process of recovering from the surgery I had due to health issues, hence why the comic is still on hiatus, but I do plan to get back to it as soon as I get better! <3
You're welcome, dear! <3 Haven't had the time yet to properly sit and write comments, but I've checked the first episode so far and I'm loving it already *O* will catch up with the second episode ASAP :D
Hey everyone, sorry for going MIA, real life has been rather meh lately. I have a new update in the works, it will be posted next week. After that, I'm going on hiatus for a bit to work on new episodes. As much as it pains me to go on hiatus, I really need more time to rebuild a buffer. Hope you'll understand <3
Hey everyone! :D Just wanted to let you know that, while there will be no new episode tonight, The Emergency Coven will come back next week with a double update! ;D
Hey everyone! Just as a heads up, the new update of The Emergency Coven will be online next week. Figured it'd make more sense to merge this week's episode and the next into one :D see you on November 21st!
Hey everyone! :D Just wanted to let you know that there will be no update of The Emergency Coven this week. The comic will be back on these screens next week with a double update! :)