I write because I love the art of story telling. Novels, comics, big screen or small screen enjoy them all. It's fun to be able to write the stories I dream up in my head. I hope everyone enjoy. Check out link to find other places you can support and read my work.
Hey friends, I am in the middle of a move. It's taking a lot more time then I expected. I will have to take a brief hiatus. Sorry for the wait. Hope to be back soon.
Hey friends, I hope your first month in 2020 went well. Just giving a quick update. Driftwood has been scheduled for this week. A Smiling Path will note be unloaded but will be back the following week with three eps. Thanks for reading.
The New Year will be starting soon and I just wanted to let you all know that The eps will resume on the 4th. Enjoy your celebrations and have a sip for me too. lol