Sorry about the lack of updates guys. i started a new job and it's had be a bit stressed out. working on a new page though. will hopefully get at least an update up by the end of the week.
No update this week. Between being a bit under the weather and my hand and brain not being on speaking terms, the page isn't done. So hopefully page will be ready for monday.
Wow there's been a lot of activity here of late. Let me say I'm sorry there hasn't been an update. I had some personal stuff come up. A death in the extended family and I'm currently trying to get back in order from that. Working on the next page right now but there is a fair chance it might not get done by the time I want it to be. Sorry again and thanks for reading.
I'm recovering from a 4 day headache (i get migraines) and that put a real damper on my updating this week. I was gonna push to get the page ready for Sat but I have other obligations and I have a bit more penciling to get done before I can ink and tone. Sorry again. This year really doesn't want me to get back on schedule it would seem. Should have a page monday though.