Hey! I'm really sorry for not posting today T-T I got really busy lately and wasn't able to get much done. But I'll be able to post on Saturday though! :)
Oh and also I'll be experimenting with new styles and brushes in the comic so that would explain why things may look different :'D At the moment I'm trying to go for a more sketchy style
Hey guys!
There's going to be a change in the update schedule because I'm getting busier due to the exam period getting closer and making four-five pages at once takes a lot of time so now I will post 1-2 pages twice a week instead. This allows me to post a bit more frequently; I'm hoping it will be Wed & Sat depending on things.
Hey! I might change the update schedule (again :'D) due to school stuff, to twice a week (Most likely Wed & Sat) so updates can be more frequent though it might be lesser pages in a episode (instead of four it might be two per episode) nevertheless it's still four pages a week and I'll see how it goes atm.
Sorry for changing the schedule so much! T-T