Yo! Long time no see, but I got some good news for you! Do you remember Abandoned? do you remember how we said we were working on a sequel that was gonna go into print in an anthology? WELLLLLLL The anthology said we could post it online! So after this new run of Abandoned is finished you'll be seeing brand new content in our story "Afterwards" Hope you all enjoy, and let us know what you think!
https://www.twitch.tv/sketchmazoid Doing some refreshers on some characters I've forgotten how to draw live right now! come say hi! ask me questions, whatever really just come hang, I'm desperately lonely.
Yo! just figured since I sort of neglected to outright say it that I should inform you guys that Grapple Seed is under no circumstances dead. We're just taking a different approach to book 2 than we were with book 1. I can't really give you an estimate as to when you'll be seeing new pages BUT you will be at some point. it'll happen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBBl4MjhZN0&feature=youtu.be Doing the Art sound off this year, so if you're itnerested in daily vlogs where I talk about my life related to art currently then feel free to subscribe to my YT and give that look.
I think it's a podcast called lean into art that started it? basically you do like a daily podcast or vlog about your life related to art that day all throughout november so like your art process, what you're working on etc etc.