hello!!, how are you? I love your comic and the thing is that I have a fansub that translates comics into Spanish and the thing is if you allow us to translate your comics? Obviously with your credits <3 link: https://www.facebook.com/BNYFansub/ <33
Heiya, Toki. 8D Just wanted to let you know I made an account here too, even though there's still nothing uploaded. And I'm writing in english because I don't know if your partner for the story is from Brasil as well, otherwirse looking at a full portuguese text would be very confusing.
Anyways, I just wanted to say hello~
Oi!! Ela é brasileira sim, então pode escrever em português quando precisar ^w^~
Bem-vindos ao Tapastic!! Hahaha!! Vamos aguardar as histórias de vocês <3
Ebaa! <3 Essa aqui é uma conta pessoal que eu tinha feito pra ler a história de vocês, porque não dava pra ler sem ter conta, mas ontem à tarde fiz outra onde vou de fato postar as história, essa aqui: http://tapastic.com/kyuumangaka