We're back. Life has taken us through some twists and turns. Lots of moving. Surgeries; lots of pain. It's hard to be creative when you're in constant pain 24/7 for a year. But we survived all of it. We're going to get all of our strips back on track one by one; starting with Romantical Tales being updated twice a day! We want to hear from you! Let us know how we are doing.
I'm so sorry I've been missing in action. I had foot surgery in January and I have to get a second surgery the second week in May. So my attention has been diverted. I'm making plans to get some new comics up by July. Thanks for your patience.
Okay. I was getting back on track and now I have to move again. My building was sold. Looking for an apartment in LA is not fun. So the episodes will be sporadic, until I find a place and get all moved in my gentle readers.
Please forgive me for the delay between episodes. I pay the bills with freelance work I do for clients. I do bulid-up up a backlog of comics, but it gets used up when I get busy with work. I also create a lot of things for the internet; video tutorials, blog articles and other stuff.
So it all comes to a halt when I am busy with work. Sometimes I have lots of time on my hands and others, I have too much work coming in at once and I'm working on it day and night.
Romantical Tales will be back on Mondays and Wednesdays for a short time, while we work to get back on our twice a day schedule.
I'm also trying to get my other strips back into the rotation.
That is ok, if you didn't pay your bills we probably wouldn't get to read your comics! I have also found myself in a similar position. So take your time... we'll be here. [: