I make:
Demimortals, your comic about biblically accurate angels dating humans.
(Don't) Trust yourself, a timetraveling action thriller in glorious black and white.
Segomedes y la reina de Cnosos, a fantasy epic novel in spanish set in mythological Greece.
Demimortals is being updated on Comicfury while i work on Demimortals #4. Continue Adam and Eve story there, it's too much of a hassle to censor all that. https://comicfury.com/comicprofile.php?url=demimortals
I also stream on Picarto, where i draw commissions live. Follow me there to know when i'm up!
Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce Demimortals 3 is out today. 51 pages of biblical angels, lots of new content, fully colored.
This weekend there will be a new chapter here too!
If you enjoy Demimortals, please consider supporting me so i can continue making even more comics. Bless!
I'll probably try to put Demimortals up again on Tapas, but only a few chapters will remain after the purge.
Follow me on Twitch, IG or twitter to stay tuned! Bless.
You can watch me draw live on twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/amilcardraws
Check my schedule, i also stream most mornings (western europe, GMT+1). Come say hello, watch me make comics and some fanart!
"Are we cancelled?"
"Yes, yes we are."
Just about to hit 200,000 views, Tapas' banhammer has arrived. There's so much to censor and reupload... it's a lot of work. I don't know when the series will be up again, but meanwhile, you can read it for now on ComicFury. Webtoons' version is still up, but some chapters are missing and it's all censored already.
Remember Demimortals has a new twitter @demimortals, and you can have the whole angel experience, in a comic book, as it's meant to be, on itch.io.
[ESP] Ya puedes los once capítulos publicados de mi novela "Segodemes y la reina de Cnosos".
Si te gusta la mitología griega y las aventuras, te sentirás como en casa. Incluye las ilustraciones propias que voy haciendo.
"La antigua Grecia, donde la mitología se mezcla con la realidad, y las criaturas fantásticas inician eventos que forjarán las futuras leyendas de los hombres."
Segomedes ha sido contratado por el rey Iphitas para realizar un trabajo que solo él puede realizar: matar un cíclope. Acompañado por el joven Tofilio el espartano, se adenatrarán en una trama mucho mayor de lo que esparaban.
Prepara tu panoplia y viaja a Creta en un viaje con sirenas, arpías, tritones... combates encarnizados, personajes carismáticos., y toda Grecia en juego. Tal vez el mundo.