It's me Bryson
I leave in the middle of the sea on a small island
I like to write stories but my drawing skills could use some work in order to bring them to life. But, what better way to publish it and get feed back, whilst improving over time.
I'll try to pump out chapters but it takes me a long time to draw and color.
whew, I bunch of things happened. Surprise B day party for my friend that came to back to the island. A lot of work related things as well as exhaustion. BUT, the prologue chapter is out. sorry for the lack of backgrounds. I'm trying to do research on how to pump that out because I'm rusty on perspective drawing
actually chapter 1, 2 are done, trying to smooth out the intro so it doesn't confuse people then I can start the roughs for the comic #couldntsleepsoiwrotemorestuff
I am alive, lost some of the spark and passion a while back. Getting back in the groove and I found new inspiration. Starting a reboot as well as piecing together the story.
To those who are wondering what I have been doing for the last 8 months. I was really busy with my 3-D modeling classes (mind breaking busy). I've been in the lab so much that i haven't had time to sit down and create my story. I am currently working on the 2nd page (FINALLY). I'm hoping that i could push out pages faster but time will tell right?
whew, i haven't been here in a while. I had many things to get done for my portfolio and school that i didn't really sit down and think about this comic. But now that my wisdoms pain is gone and its still summer, I plan to get a few more intros done.
The next part may take a bit, gotta try and retrieve my manga studio from broken hdd. Finals are also soon so i gotta finish the last of my projects then i will be free to work on this wholeheartedly owo/