I've been a ghost on here for the past few months but that will change soon! I'm taking the month of June to really focus on writing so expect updates this summer! Thank you for staying subscribed
I will be removing Stargazer from Tapas on August 31st. The collection of short stories, entitled "Stargazer: Tales from Gaea" will replace it on September 1st. This collection will be monthly short stories set in the world of Stargazer and feature familiar characters. I hope to have a completely revamped manuscript for Stargazer done but the end of the year. Then the real fun on traditional publishing will begin!
I know it's been a while since the last update but rest assured I haven't abandoned the novel. I've been extremely busy these past few month but things are lightening up enough that I'll be back to writing soon enough! Thank you for sticking around and I can't wait for you to see what mischief my dear characters get into.
Hello new followers! I'm hard at work getting new chapters done. I'm aiming to have 2 per month up. While you eagerly await the next update, consider joining my Discord server to chat. I also host a monthly fantasy movie night there! https://discord.gg/TFPbsaGaej