I’m Chimera, California borne and bred. My one constant in life was art- I came from a family of artists and I eventually became one myself at six years old- That is my culture.
I have worked on many artistic projects and worked on art-related jobs as well- even so, ultimately I am just a professional fool engaging and learning in a world of culture.
Culture shows us how to live, and its truths can even redeem the human condition.
As a professional fool I believe that culture evolves into something more with every new discovery and design- whether they come from places of excellence or heresy.
As a professional fool I may step on the toes of others, but never out of hate or spite. I may stray from orthodoxy and the well-worn path, but I will always strive towards excellence.
Mortido Prologue has ended on a suspenseful cliffhanger, and simultaneously I must go on a cliffhanger as well- This September I will be traveling a bunch. Mortido will resume in November once i have my affairs in order- by then I will have a lot of new features for you guys.
To my first suscribers and readers, I want to thank you all for sticking with the story thus far. I will be thanking you all personally when October comes once my travels are concluded.
Again, thank you all!
Last week I officially released Mortido and topped it off with a week-long special release cherry. —End of Step 1.
I’ll be updating Mortido on Monday and Tuesday every week from now on, and every new chapter will have a special week-long release. It’s my intention to keep these as consistent in date and quality. —This is my 2nd Step.
Hopefully, I’ll accumulate enough material to do pdf and physical releases and start to reach out at cons. —That’s my Step 3.