I'm still plugging away on personal projects and preparing for the Memphis Comic Expo where I'll have a booth selling all kinds of cool stuff I make. If you're in the area come check it out because it's seriously the best con you can get in the region.
After the convention I'm going to get back to doing PLP again but it won't update here until the end of June. It was a bit stressful this first 40 because I had no buffer and when I finished the comic it went up here immediately. I want to have at least some breathing room to be able to miss an update and not have the walls come crashing down around me!
Anyways, thanks for reading and I can't wait to give you guys more to "lol" at in the future!
Hey guys, you might have noticed there hasn't been a new comic for the past couple of weeks. I'm in the middle of preparing Boondogs to be pitched to some publishers!
I'll be posting work in progress sketches here and on my tumblr in the meantime.
Does this mean no more Perfect Little Panels? Nope. No way. It just means a lot less and more sporadic until I get my pet project comic in ship shape! Not too long, though!
Oh and once that's done I'll post the first pages of Boondogs here as well!
Thanks for reading so far and I hope you stick around for more!