Just as a heads up, I've got a larger following on Webtoons, so the Q&A portion was actually done over there. I'll be doing a Tapas Q&A once I've hit 25 subscribers OR 100 likes combined on the episodes, so make sure to like the episodes as they come out for additional content! :D
Also, I'm still trying desperately to get the hang of pacing a webtoon. I know scenes can sometimes seem rushed (And please feel free to critique that as I love the input) but just bear with it for now. Thanks for following!
In a culture where sacrificing the spirits of his world is deemed to be normal, Vegaard is anything but. Bound by a strong bond and a desire to protect the creatures his people seek to kill, he is cast out from his home to embark on a journey he never imagined. But, was it coincidence or fate that drives him forward on this frozen path?
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