I wish to reduce our red meat consumption and reduce the waste in the fashion industry. Stop deforestation.
And do i dare say it - contraception for all women who want it.
Rae, I haven't been paying attention enough it seems, so I only just found this... It's a brilliant idea! :) <3
I would love to change production in general, not just in fashion. How many new things are being produced daily that are never bought by anyone? From furniture, over food (which really sucks!!!), to fashion, to electronics, to cars, to the dumbest gadgets no one even needs - why? Just why? Because economics taught us theories and formulas to compute "demand"? Economics sucks. Sure, it's great not to have to wait for your phone or car to be manufactured for 20 years but an actual demand-based production system might lead to less trash and pollution - even if production cost would greatly increase...
How often have you sit down with family or friends and had that 'One Wish' conversation.
This interactive collection of One Wishes looks at our secret wishes, an inner most wishes and for a brief moment give us the opportunity to consider our One Wish.
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