Hello everyone. Sorry for going AWOL.
I had big hopes at the beginning of the pandemic of working from home and having more time on my hands but alas that didn't happen. I work in aged care and my hours went through the roof, leaving me with no free time.
Which was great, meaning I had work when many others around me didn't.
However, I have no time for the internet and I found once I stopped logging on I no longer had the desire to do so. Then I fell behind with reading comics and writing and to catch up became a challenge I struggle with.
I have hopes to once again get back on top of everything but at this stage it's almost impossible.
Please feel free to message me at anytime and I'll respond when I can.
Thank you to everyone who has been subscribing to my stories over the past few months and given hearts - I hope they have helped you through these troubling times.
Please take care and stay save.
Hello everyone, I hope you are well and safe and wearing your masks.
I'm going to bombard you with a long post and then vanish again.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who has recently been subscribing to my many stories. It made no sense that I would have a sudden influx of readers until I discovered my story The Betrayal was being feature.
A big thank you to Tapas for the feature, it's been a long time between features and it was nice to see my story up there with so many other great stories.
Secondly, a massive thank you to I.S.Neko for their super generous ink support. I would recommend you heading over to their page and checking out their story, Little Undead, in which you chose the direction the story go. It's a great story and lots of fun as a reader to drive the direction the story goes. Their support allowed me to reach my ink goal of another backstory for my characters in Divine Intervention. So if there was a particular character's backstory you wanted to know, please let me know in the comments. (otherwise I'll chose who I'll write about).
Thirdly, there is currently an amazing Kickstarter called Cafe AU Lait by Alisha Jade. The story;
Cafe AU Lait is an anthology of short comics inspired by our love of the Coffee Shop Alternate Universe trope. Twelve comic creators from Australia and New Zealand come together to bring you eleven original short romance comics with Coffee Shop AU vibes. A familiar warmth, an every day romance, a touch of magic, even coffee in space! - each comic has a different approach to the theme, and the resulting collection features a variety of romantic relationships at different stages, from the very beginnings of something to rocky recovery.
Please check it out. Not only is there a book but also coffee coasters, a tea towel and a coffee mug. I'm super excited about this.
I big thank you and hugs to everyone how recently found my stories and subscribed and liked the many chapters.
Such a beautiful feeling to see people reading and liking my stories.
It's likely been said in the forums but looking at covers / thumbnails together in the Comics / Novel pages is painful. Not a fan of the scrolling pages.
No going to lie - thumbnails are easier than covers.
Now I have to learn a new skill - making covers - or commission someone to update my covers for me.