I dunno...
I definitely like the idea to increase people's awareness on this subject and overcome stigmatization and misunderstanding.
But saying that autism is not bad is not quite correct in my opinion. As far as I know, some forms of autism prevent people from communicating with others, getting education and working in any work. Not having education and work and thus being a burden to society counts as "bad thing" from POV of most of people (from mine, too).
It definitely does not mean that people with autism should be blamed for that, because they didn't choose themselves to be like this. But their types of autism are the reason of such a situations. So we can't say that this condition is harmless. Sometimes it is very harmful for people's lifes.
This is a collection of stories told from the perspectives of those with autism, or who have loved ones with autism. We hope you will better understand and accept those that have autism. This is for Autism Acceptance day of 2019.
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