Kylie woke up in the dark panting.Her ears pounding to her heart beat.Her nightmare nothing but a blurr.
Beep beep beep beep!
"Crap!!!"stopping her timer she quickly got dress for school.
"Kylie Alwater you up?!!!"Becca yelled from the kitchen.
Becca was Kylies foster mom,she took her in when Kylies parents passed in a accident.But Kylie has no memory about her parents or anything from before the accident.Shes was told that her parents had died in a traffic accident,and being the only one to survive it had crash left her only a large scar on from her mid-back to over the left shoulder.
Doctors still check up on her to see if her amnesia faded.No luck.Medication never helped either.
Kylie got in her favorite pair of black jeans,dark blue tang top,black boots, and black sweater.Her scar itched as she put on her shirt she took no mind to it,it only reminded her of the pain of waking up on a hospital bed not knowing who she is or what is going on.She shivered.Quickly heading to the restroom and brushing her teeth only to get a glimpse of herself black hair,peach colored skin,green eyes,and pink lips.
"Kylie.HURRY UP!"yelled Becca.
She quickly ran down stairs and at the same time struggled to put in her boots,sweater and succeeded with her backpack hanging from her shoulder.Meeting Becca kitchen with her warm smiles are enough to brighten the most gloomiest persons day.
She smiled,"Food?"
Rolling her eyes,"You better finish your breakfast quickly or no movie night."
Reminding Kylie of movie night made her wolf down her eggs,and toast.And immediately headed for the door.
"Kylie,"cooed Becca.
Kylie sighed,"I know,"turning she ran to her enveloping her in a big hug and kiss in the cheek then turned tail and back to the door.
"See you when I come home!"
And was out the door.
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