After Earth was exposed to deadly radiation, due to nuclear weapons...
The human race resorted to living on the Moon...
The sky on the Moon is eerie and dark.
I woke up with a desire to see the supposed blue sky on Earth..
I thought to myself how disappointing my reality actually was..
I didn’t let this thought linger in my mind for too long.
Today, was an important day...
Today, my classmates and I will be given internships.
Our profession will be picked for us based on our interests.
I disagree with this horrid tradition.
I would like to pick my line of work...
I have chosen not to mouth my opinion on this matter.
The last person who refused to accept their given internship faced a gruesome end...
My peers and I patiently waited on the doorsteps of the Assignment House…
One by One people were called inside and told their internship...
Some walked out with a sigh of relief and others with a cry of desperation for their dreams had been crushed...
The wait was long
My friends attempted to hold a conversation with me…
But my mind was in a far-away place...
The only motion I made was the short step forward, every time the lined moved.
My mental clocked ticked and ticked as I got closer and closer.
I was now standing in the front of the line…
I was shaking…
I have never felt a feeling like this before.
I came to despise the society I was in!
Its my life!
How come they decide what I do?
My thoughts consisted of confusion, hatred, and disappointment.
Then, I heard my name..
I opened the door and walked into a small circular room.
There was a screen in front of said the following:
I indeed walked out with a sigh of relief...
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