Gah, sorry for the wait- I'm trying to have a new page up every Sunday but so far I haven't been the best with deadlines (in case my lack of updates for Fallen Royal didn't make that clear, but that's another matter altogether).
Anywho, this was a simpler page overall (I'm super proud of that hair shading, though!) and I honestly forgot about the borders I'd used on the previous pages while planning this one out. I think it still looks really good, but if y'all have any input I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for reading!
Fairylanders; the people who possess magical trinkets called Lockets, using their power to change the world. However, some Fairylanders, like the Wizard, have chosen to use their Lockets for nefarious purposes.
A young Fairylander named Red has chosen to stand against the Wizard and his schemes, calling upon the aid of several unexpected and slightly strange allies with powers like hers. However, no one ever said saving the world would be easy, and when a legendary Fairylander might be involved? Well, that's all part of the fun, isn't it?Read more
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