And that's it for the bonus chapter from Inktober!
This was a fun experiment, I know it was an incentive but I wanted to try out some under-the-hood techniques that I think worked out fairly well.
Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter about Harriet realizing that she can't go back and she has to move on, and a chapter about Daniel Peck deciding that he would be down to kiss a ghost (wouldn't we all?) It was oddly well timed with a New Year and a new outlook and just a lot of changes going on in all our lives right now. Was your new years goal to kiss a ghost? Let me know in the comments below.
If anything I hope you enjoyed me drawing a smooch which I don't often do.
I'm gonna go back to the salt mines, writing the rest of this story in book format (we're getting pretty far along actually.) and eventually working on a different comic entirely ooo (and while I thought I could sneakily update a little bit and test it out so I could get some feedback I think Tapas notified everyone who subs to me so...congrats on that sneak peek, haha!)
So I may eventually do more bonus content of Alchemist Burn Outs in the future, no idea when, but stay subbed if you're interested in that sort of thing and you'd like to see more of my stories and my works! I'll see y'all later!
Harriet has been transported to a place where her dead Father is alive, her terrible powers are disabled, and she can finally live a normal life. But, things are not quite as they seem. Joining forces with the two worst students of the Pendleson Alchemy Academy, the three drop outs decide it's time to break out of school and carve their own paths.
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