Hello readers, and thank you for your reading!
First at all, I'm sorry, I'm not very talkative. I read all your comments, and they give me courage. But, let me tell you why I'm not replying:
I'm afraid to make mistake, because it's a french thing to laught at french people who are trying to speak english.
Yeah, frenchs are pretty mean with people who are clumsily trying to communicate by their own. If it's not perfect, you're not allowed to even try. You're not allowed to learn on your own. You HAVE to ask for a translator and just let they do it for you.
"Wow, no, you don't know how to say that?" or "You're hurting my knoweldge AND you're embarrasing yourself." or "You idiot! I've a degrees and let me tell you that you're not good enough!"
Okay man, I'm sorry, I'm trying. It's not perfect, but I want to communicate by myself. But no. They're laughting and insecurity's hiting me. So I shut my mouth and just reply "thank you!".
The last time I've post my work, in french, i've write a note for my english readers. And, one of my FRENCH reader let me a delitghfull review "That [english] sentence is hurting me, lol :,D"
Hm, cool. And, what about my work? Did you read it? Did you like it? I've spend 15 hours to draw it, did you even look at it? Hope your feelings are okay, because mines are definitly not. But, thanks...
So yeah, I seem rude to my english readers, because i'm affraid to make mistake. My french vocabulary is pretty good, but I just look dumb when I'm searchig my words in english. When I'm wrinting "thank you" in Google Trad, just for be sure.
Sorry if, when I reply to you, I look like a complet idiot. I'm trying.
Well, now: Thank you for reading my works. Thanks for your support and see you!
Yo Dunk. Lecteur bilingue fr/eng ici. Je tiens juste à dire que malgré quelques petites fautes dans ta description de chapitre, ton anglais est parfaitement compréhensible. Et fuck 'em les gens qui pensent que la perfection dans une langue qui n'est PAS celle de ton pays devrait être une moyenne pour tout le monde. Ces gens... 🚯 MAIS si tu veux t'améliorer un peu en anglais, je peux te donner des titres de très bon livres de voc et de grammaire anglaise (généralement utilisé dans les cursus de fac). C'est toi qui vois 🥺 Et honnêtement, je le répète, nique ces gens et nique leur mentalité nulle. T'es pas anglais, le simple fait que tu ESSAIES de t'exprimer en anglais n'est même pas obligé donc bruh, je sais pas de quelle planète sortent ces gens. En soi y a même pas de honte à avoir ??? Donc je comprends pas leur logique DU TOUT. Mais tkt j'm'occuperai d'eux si j'en croise. Des bisous Dunk et te laisse pas abattre par des débilus. You're trying and that's what matters, my dude 💖 moutls bisous sur toi !
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