A yonkoma (four-panel manga cartoon) comic strip that centers on the playful, arrogant, foolish, rude yet energetic rabbit Clyde teasing his friend Leonard after he (Leonard) gained a bit of weight.
The Cat In Fear, also known as Kyōfu No Neko (恐怖の猫) in Japanese, is a American-Japanese influenced children’s slapstick horror comedy (horredy) manga-inspired comic cartoon aimed at older children (10-12 years of age) that revolves around a group of adults (24-year-old kind-hearted, caring yet cowardly American yellow cat Eddie, 35-year-old grumpy, sarcastic, no-nonsense with a heart of gold Swahili-American brown dog Leonard, 25-year-old brash, arrogant, impulsive French-American rabbit Clyde & 18-year-old studious and intelligent Canadian pig Hunter) who, along with their demon friend from Hell named Damien, reside in the city of High Point, North Carolina where they have to cope with their everyday fears on a regular basis whether it’s mundane or supernatural situations.
Content Rating: Due to the darker (with a great dose of lighthearted humor) nature of the comic series version, it is aimed at children 10-12+ (equivalent to PG) (fantasy violence, mild language, occasional blood, dark themes, some scary imagery).
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