There's no way you're letting her go to be nice. Is there any other reason? I fixed everything already. By chance, are you actually sorry, so that's why you're letting her go and not eating her? - It must be done now. - What is it? Hey, what is this smell? I made some sauce. Sauce? Hey, by chance, sauce to smother on Sam Jang? I have somewhere to go, so watch the fire for me. All you need to do is put the fire out after 20 minutes and leave it uncovered. I'll be back. If he prepared the sauce already, then that means he's going to eat her, but why isn't he eating her right away? Gosh, it's cold.
Die? Why would I die? Oh, it was here... Seeing she came to find her umbrella, I guess she didn't give up on her life yet. ♫ When I saw you, I thought about you a lot ♫ ♫ When I love you ♫ ♫ Did you miss me? Although my heart is at peace ♫ ♫ I wish, I wish you were next to me, exactly the way you look now ♫ ♫ Could we go back in time? When I saw you ♫ Look at her without any fear, Does she not think that something will pop out of there? ♫ Always behind of you ♫ Don't stand there in the dark, hurry up and go. ♫ Always behind of you ♫ ♫ Close your eyes, the image of my back as I leave you, ♫ When I leave you ♫ Give up this life? I will definitely survive. ♫ No matter how much I miss you ♫ ♫ I will, I wish you were next to me, exactly the way you look now ♫ ♫ Could we go back in time? When I saw you ♫ She's really bothersome prey. Ugh, it's cold. ♫ Always behind of you ♫ Stop it. That's right. I just need to remember his name. Even if my name is Blank blank blank, even the Great Jade Emperor is terrified of me. Blank blank blank. It's three characters. Don't give up. Because the saying is it's darkest at the base of a lamp, let's start for now at the base. Customer List Kim Sang Soon. Lee Jong Mi. Song Joon Seok. She's acting in a way that I can't understand again today. Yoo Yeong Ha. CEO. Since this morning, you're calling the names of the customers quite energetically. Mr. Lee Han Joo. I'm really in a hurry right now. I don't have time.
So handle today's affairs, Han Joo. Of course. If I want to eat and live then I must do it. By myself. By the way. Chairman Woo Hwi came by to see you yesterday. - Who's that - Lucifer Entertainment. It's the entertainment company with top star PK but you don't know? It comes out on television and stuff. Do you not know because you always listen to the radio? Yes. I don't know. Please leave. Kim Ah Yeong. Yoo Jeong Han. CEO. It's this person but don't you know him? Competitor. I felt your desperation. I've been looking for someone special. You... pass! I've been looking for a special human like you. You pass! This person. No, it's not him. Where can I go so that I can meet him? ♫ Baby hug me like I'm going to explode ♫ What's so hard about stopping your thinking? ♫ Kiss me like a liar.♫ ♫ Like I am your last lover.♫ ♫ Like the last, like the last ♫ Love like it was the last night Hello, PD Kim. This is my CEO. - Here - Thank you. Due to Director Kim, we have an opportunity to get into the station. I'm the one who is thankful. The building for which Hanbit Real Estate was the broker has gone up a lot in value. Wow! Great! Say CEO! We should go together. CEO! Yes. I will come to your rescue. Chance Chance.. You... pass. Thank you! I'll work hard, I'll work hard! Bravo. Nice. Encore. We will record after a short break. [Viewer's comments] Isn't he overusing the super saver chance card? This is not pseudo religion or a revival. It's like comedy. It's weird. How debasing! Does he think he's Park Jin Young (JYP Entertainment CEO) or what? Will he be able to even pick a good singer? Shall I kill him? Judges, be ready in 5 minutes, please. PD Ahn. Just a moment. Oh, yes. - About the last broadcast - Yes. At what time did you say the Bundang viewer rating was the highest? Yes. It was when you said, "You pass." It was when you drew out the chance card. Did I recklessly overuse the chance card? I think overusing it is a akin to a religious revival meeting. Is that what someone with no ear for music says? Geez. They say it's the highest viewer rating in Bundang. You... pass! Gosh. That's all I know how to do. Keep on doing it. It's funny when it happens. I'll be going. Work hard. What the heck is this? Why is this so refreshing? I can't do otherwise. We'll be recording. Superstar On Air Superstar Studio The next candidate is 16. A 9th grader. She's young. Yes, please enter. Excuse me. Excuse me. Someone went on the stage during broadcast. - Is she a ninth grader? - I don't think so. She's thirty six. Didn't we hear wrong? Sam Jang? I couldn't see you even at your company and I couldn't contact you at the station so I came directly here. It's very urgent for me. In the past you cast me. You said I had a special ability and you said I passed... Please help me. I'm desperate. Because I have passed so many people I don't remember very well. You don't remember me? I guess you weren't special enough to remember. I'm sorry. Just a moment. I will show you once more my special ability. Please let me reveal my special talent to see things that others cannot see. ♫ Tonight, I'm afraid of the dark ♫ Casual sounds all throughout the night sound sorrowful ♫ For me, the day I die is... This fragrance, this smell! ♫ The little stars ♫ Is futile [Woo Hwi] I want to eat her up so bad! No! Come to your senses! Ugh! ♫ I'm alone Ugh, come to your senses! If I help you, will you trade umbrellas with me? No! I can't! I have to judge properly! No! This fragrance! Oh this fragrance! You... pass! Ah. Great Sage, what happened to Sam Jang? I'm in the middle of persuading her so I can eat her without anything going wrong. I created a sauce. Later on, taste it for me General Frost. The weather is really cold. Hey! Oppa! Everyone, how many meters is the manner distance between artist and fans Ten meters! Let's maintain that invisible line. Oppa! Oppa! Yo! Son brother! Long time no see. How are you? - Yo, pig! - Yeah. - Enough with the talk. - I'm sorry. So you caught Sam Jang? Congratulations, Hyungnim! Well, I ended up finding out. I won't tell anyone so tell me just one thing. Hey, you're already full from the energy of these yapping little girls who give it to you voluntarily. Butt out of it. Sam Jang is special. They said the smell of her blood was really entrancing. - What did you think of it, Hyungnim? - Great Sage hasn't had any yet. What? Are you training to be a deity like Woo Ma Wang? You almost became a deity, but you were kicked out to Marble Mountain. What's so great about that for you to start over? General Frost, what do you call a pig that got squished? Flesh. Hyungnim, you have Sam Jang, and with her power, please become Heaven's Son Oh Gong again. He never grows up. Geez. Seeing that Jeo Pal Gye came all the way here, Sam Jang must be a big deal.
Yeah. All kinds of evil spirits kept getting in the way because of the smell of her blood. It was bothersome protecting her all through the night.
You protected Sam Jang all night long? Yeah. Because she's my prey. And you don't need to protect that prey right now? She probably went to Woo Ma Wang to find out my name. Woo Ma Wang won't eat her so she's safe. Please tell me his name. I must know that rascal's name.
Although it's regrettable, even if I let you know that Son Oh Gong is Son Oh Gong,
you can't remember the name. What did I just say his name was?
His name is.....I just heard it.
See that?
Even if you hear it, it can't remain in your memory.
Until Son Oh Gong returns the memory he took from you.
Then, I can never call that rascal's name?
It's unfortunate. Then please be on your way.
Then the contract is also useless and I have to be eaten up by him or demons? - What do you mean by contract? - We agreed upon a contract!
If I call his name, he will show up and protect me.
A contract? That's what was bothering me.
No wonder that rascal couldn't eat you up right away.
But still, since I don't know his name I can't call him. So, it's no use.
He may have used a cunning trick but a contract with a human is very strong.
I'll help you.
Let's look for something to catch Son Oh Gong.
One moment!
By any chance, you wouldn't ask me to go through this path alone to fetch something like last time, right?
This time, let's go together so there are no accidents.
I believe it was around here.
Ah, Pirundong building 28. We found the place well.
What do they do here? It says so here. [General Store] The item we're looking for should be here. Welcome. Welcome Ma Wang! We were waiting for you. Have you been well? It's been a long time, peddler. Why, he was this little... Your grandson grew up a lot! I'm in the middle of teaching him. This is Mi Hon fragrance that you've been looking for. Will I be able to make that nut job a bit docile with this? For taming fierce demons,
I have something amazing that this doesn't compare to. Would you like to see it?
If you have such an amazing item, of course I must see it.
Please wait.
What could be in a place like this?
Ouch! I said it hurts!
It bites. Be careful.
It's me and that rascal.
What is this jar?
It's a jar that shows unfortunate incidents in advance. What you see there always happens but eventually, it isn't always good. Please don't touch anything. An unfortunate incident? I think we unexpectedly acquired a good item. It's called Geum Gang Go. Geum Gang Go? - Come in. - Why? - Hurry up and come - What's the matter? I did the wallpaper and linoleum by myself! - Really? - Hurry up and come! Ta da! It's so awesome! By the time we get back from our honeymoon, the furniture will already be here. That's right. All that's left is our wedding tomorrow. - I love you - Me too! But, what's that? What could it be? This is an old picture. But who put it here? The studio must have made a mistake in the delivery. - Alright, I'll take care of it so don't worry - Okay. Shall we check out the bedroom? The bedroom? Why suddenly the bedroom?
Our baby? Go inside!
Meet me in the bedroom!
Where did I put it earlier?
Where did I put my bag?
Ah! Here it was!
That's strange.
Earlier, I think the woman had her eyes lowered.
Do you want to get married instead of me?
They say a bride eating evil spirit is running loose recently. I think it's the work of a pretty strong evil spirit. Evil spirit? In the past is was either a drawing or a mirror, now it's a photo or video? They attach themselves to these things.
Anyway, now that worldly demons are becoming more prevalent, that's why the heavenly world sent down Sam Jang.
Are you saying Sam Jang came to this world because of demons?
Sam Jang is a human who holds the summons
to protect the world from demons.
With what power does a human Sam Jang fight demons
They don't send down Sam Jang from above without a countermeasure.
The big picture is already determined. What is supposed to happen will happen. It's cold! Where are you returning from? Shopping. I want to use up all my money before I die. Shopping? You met Woo Ma Wang! How dare you lie to me? Do you want to die?! Fine! I lied! I asked your name but he said even if he told me I wouldn't be able to remember. See? I told you that you can never remember it.
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