Hwayugi] [Lee Seung Gi, Cha Seung Won] [Oh Yeon Seo, Lee Hong Gi] If you want to save another human, take off the Geumganggo. If you do nothing, he'll get ripped to death by that possessed corpse. Why are my shoelaces undone? Is someone longing for me?
(superstition) My little Han Byeol must be thinking of her daddy. There's no time to waste, Sam Jang. Hurry up and take it off. You can't. What are you doing? Take this off already. There is no need for that. Go and save your colleague.
The Great Sage will follow you. I don't save anyone but you. If you leave it as is, that human will die. Sam Jang, please believe in the power of the Geumganggo. Take it off. You didn't leave me alone to be scared, lonely, or tormented. Son Oh Gong, please help me. Even if Sam Jang runs there, it'll be too late. That human will die. He won't die. Because before that happens, you'll go to save him. I'm not going. You won't be able to help but go there. If you're someone who can't let her be scared, lonely, or tormented, you will never be able to let her be sad either. The tears of Sam Jang...Will you be able to bear them Han Joo! Han Joo! Wake up, Han Joo! Han Joo! Please wake up. Just thinking about it is painful, isn't it? No... I'm fine. You fool... You're fine? Her pain is your pain. If she is hurting, you will hurt as well. Then from now on, whenever she's crying, I will continue to be in pain like this? Why should I be? Why should I be?! ♫ Because I love you.
(Lee Seung Gi's debut song "Because You're My Woman") ♫ I'll call you (without honorifics) no matter what you say ♫ I'll hold you tight Oh this is a different song. Anyway.... Love. - Who are you? - Get lost. - Excuse me? - I said get lost. Why? If I tell you to go, just go already. Lee Han Joo! CEO, be quiet. Are you alright? I'm so relieved. There's someone in your house right now. I was about to leave after dropping the package off, but there was a man there. He looks a little familiar, but anyway, he suddenly appeared and shocked me to death! - He came. - What do you mean he came? It's a relief to see you alive. You can leave now. Relieved because I'm alive...? Then I almost died? Son Oh Gong, I see you did come. This Geumgango has more power than I thought. It's as Ma Wang said. Your shit is my shit. I think I'm going to end up cleaning up after your mess. I'm the Great Sage, the equal of heaven. I'm not someone who should be cleaning up after a mere human all day. I got caught in an unbelievable situation.I'm sorry. In order to save my own life, I took a hold of your ankle... I mean, I took a hold of your wrist. I have nothing to say even if you hate me. It would only be natural to hate you, but I can't do that right now. Not removing this Guemganggo earlier was a wise decision. If you took it off, I would have killed you right away. You protecting me... You're saying that it's only because of the Geumganggo. Of course. The one protecting you is not me, but this Geumganggo. I'll take care of this. Bravo. I've confirmed the power of Geumganggo myself. The Great Sage will never be able to disobey Sam Jang. The Great Sage won't stand by and do nothing if he finds out about the contract. Of course, he wouldn't stand still. [Lucifer] The Great Sage must be close. I'll take the contract for safekeeping. Ma Wang, this is not the real contract, is it? Of course not.I can't let the Great Sage get a hold of the real contract. Where is the real one? I know, right? Great Sage! Ma Wang, the Great Sage is here. Darn. You seemed to want to watch me act like a dog, so I really came as one, but it's not any fun. At which point did you realize, I wonder? When we say cheers, Secretary Ma prepares two wine glasses. Clink! So we can drink together.
But you're banned from drinking right now, right?
Having this delicious wine in front of me
but not being able to drink it, it's been very upsetting.
Now I'm even more pissed. I'll get to the point. - Destroy the contract. - It's a contract between Sam Jang and Lucifer Entertainment.
What right do you have?
I'm tied to Sam Jang in a very confidential manner, so I can't stand by and let an unfair contract go through.
Contractually, there's no problem one way or another.
If there is no problem yet, we can always create one.
The contract has Lucifer Entertainment as the employer, right?
But what if the employer from that contract disappears? The building was built so well. What a waste.
Are you crazy? You're saying you'll destroy a building that's sitting in the middle of the city?
As you know, I'm not a nut job that's gently crazy, no? Cheers! Aigoo! What's going on?! Get out! Get out! Great Sage, were you decanting this for me so I could enjoy it? Your building is very sturdy, I see. Of course. It won't be affected by the strength like that of a baby shaking his rattle.
Ah, I was too arrogant to think that I could finish it off with one finger. This time, I'll do it properly. Okay. Just try it. I was almost late. I flew here without having a chance to breathe! I'm so thirsty.
Now, now. Let's stop this and come to an agreement by talking. Is he someone you can talk sensibly to right now? This is strange, and this as well. Take a look for yourself. This contract used Sam Jang as bait to get me involved! That means he's trying to gain points to become a deity by using me!
The reason why I haven't become a deity yet is because of you.
The points I lost because you escaped from the Five Elements Mountain
I'm trying to gain back by using you! What's so unfair about that?
So are you saying this contract makes sense right now?
Now, now. I see both of your positions.
I will sort this out as a representative of the heavens.
Let's add just one more clause to this contract and come to an agreement.
Let's decide on a timeframe.
This contract will be valid only up to the day Sam Jang fulfills her summon.
The day she fulfills her summons, the Great Sage will gain his freedom.
How about it? If you stack up some points well until then,
you will become a deity without a problem.
Well, it doesn't sound too bad.
I don't like it. I feel like I'm continuously getting the shorter end of the stick.
But you've committed a lot of sins.
All those sins will be written off and the no-alcohol ban will be lifted,
so there's nothing for you to lose.
So when Sam Jang's summon is fulfilled, you'll really take this off of me?
Of course. The day she fulfills her summon,
any relationships that is bound by the Geumganggo will all be over!
You sure you're not up to some crap again?
After saying this, you sure you're not going to drag this out for hundreds of years saying it's Sam Jang's summon or whatever?
A human's life is at most around 100 years.
Sam Jang will die within a few decades too, so it will end within that time.
Don't talk about her dying! It's sad.
I'm saying it's going to end soon.
Then we'll add the clause we agreed upon,
and I will keep this contract safe. Hold on. I haven't agreed to it yet. I'm going to make a scene until the very end. Why? What else do you want? Give me your house. I've asked a real estate office to find a house for you to move into. You'll move in soon. Good? - Good, but - Okay, good. I like that house with easy parking and a big bathroom. Give me that house. I've worked hard for many years for that site. That's why I want it. I'll go and rest comfortably there, so call me when you transfer the title, okay? That punk!
Ma Wang, just take the high road.
This contract is advantageous for you anyway.
It's a relief it ended at this point with the Great Sage's horrible temper. Let's change the title of the house to a joint ownership. Ah, that idiot, seriously. Just throw that house away. I'll find another lot. No. He's insisting on that house just to torment me. I can't give in first. Okay, I'll stick around, so let's both be tormented, huh? Are you all right, Ma Wang? You used too much of your powers earlier. It's okay. I'm Ma Wang. Using that mere amount of power... I... I will never collapse!
Ma Wang. Nosebleed!
It's just red snot.
Ma Wang, it would be better to stop it all.
What meaning is there in becoming a deity after practicing asceticism for a thousand years?
You were much stronger before.
It would be better if you just eat Sam Jang.
Then, you will be stronger than anyone else.
If you give your permission, I will bring her to you even at the cost of my own life.
Secretary Ma, I have to become a deity.
Only then can I have a hand in the fate and life of a human. Only by being a deity can I save her. I was shortsighted. I understand your loyalty well. I'm okay, so just give me a tissue. He's picking his nose! Take a picture! Students, I did not pick my nose. He picked his nose! I told you it's not like that. Delete those pictures. Delete those photos! Those kids are Jeo Pal Gye's fans, right?
What if they upload the photo on social media saying it's a picture of me picking my nose? - Shall I kill them? - Yes, kill— I mean, no. Don't kill them. Chase after them and delete those pictures. Got it.
I said I wasn't picking my nose.
If I was picking my nose, I'd bury my finger in here like this
and there would be some movement left and right. Wiggle, wiggle!
Who would put it only half way in? I know they saw that!
Grandmother, lately that crock of misfortune has been sobbing over and over.
The cries aren't ordinary.
Will there be an enormous calamity in the human world?
So you sold me off to Ma Wang then.
Should I have taken the Geumganggo off?
♫ When I saw you ♫
If you had taken it off, I would have killed you right then and there.
Not taking it off was a good call.
♫ Even if my feelings change ♫
But instead, I won't call for you if I can help it.
♫ I wish you next, just as we are ♫
♫ Can we go back ♫
♫ When I saw you ♫
The day the no-alcohol ban is lifted, I'll drink them all.
♫ Always behind of you ♫
I can wait if I know that there is a definite end.
♫ Always behind of you ♫
I'm only handing over half of this house, okay?
I will definitely come back for you.
At least it will be amusing to watch the monkey
flail around from being in love.
At least polish it well if you've brought this in here.
It's so dirty.
There. It's clean now.
I ate so much but lost 500 grams!
It's so great.
I'm so tired. So tired.
Oh, you startled me!
Oh, you startled me!
What are you?
Me? I'm not sure about who I am myself.
I just followed Oppa Oh Gong.
Oppa Oh Gong?
I told you he's not oppa!
He's Son Oh Gong-nim. Son Oh Gong-ni...
I'm the oppa. Me! Oppa Pal Gye!
But I like Oppa Oh Gong better.
Who is this girl that's saying she likes Oppa Oh Gong?
Her? A possessed corpse.
By possessed corpse you mean that zombie that was in Sam Jang's house yesterday?
Why is she in here?
Ah, about that. Hyungnim Oh Gong told me to keep her at this house,
but she stunk so bad that I told her to stay in there.
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