these are the two main characters, Ivy Frost, and Belial The Demon King, also known by his human name, Benjamin Bell. Ivy has several contracts with a great many demons, one of which being with Belial. she can fight by either summoning said demons, (minus bel, he took human form so he could watch over her) or by temporarily fusing with them. she is a very experienced demon tamer, and if most other people tried to have contracts with as many demons as her, they'd likely either lose themselves, or straight up die. she's only 16...Belial is 666
Demons can be pretty troublesome creatures...for normal humans anyway. Ivy Frost goes around all over the place capturing and taming demons, but taming demons can be a very difficult job, and having a contract with more than one or two, is down-right suicidal for someone of her age! but somehow, Ivy pulls it off
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