XXth March 18xx
Brother's birth month has arrived and mother is quite unwell once more. I try to visit her often but I cannot when she is this way. I feel unlike my usual self whenever I do; strange and uneasy.
For now, I leave her in the care of those more capable than I, for I now have much to consider in taking the Kingdom's future into my care.
XXth March 18xx
That snake of a man. Spoke rather incessantly and dared to call me 'brother'. After his betrayal!? Why did I even entertain it?
Future plans interest me not the slightest. I care not for whatever these may be. However, he seems adamant that in order to proceed, he requires our 'friendship'; to become allies. But he is an enemy. A friend of the Empire.
Though, by his words, he appears not to be so. A traitor he still is and I shall remain cautious of him.
As for Alex's ring; how did he truly come upon it? Ripped it from my brother's corpse no less. I do not trust him.
Trust? Why would I spare a single thought in considering it?
Dared to speak of mother so informally and to my very face! I wanted him struck down that very instant!
Perhaps, I should have ordered the men to simply remove only his deceitful little tongue!
XXst March 18xx
I showed myself far too much. And in the presence of someone I barely knew anything about. Simply recalling his insincere smiles and sighs and sorrowful expressions; his fleeting smirks, aggravates me.
XXth April 18xx
I dare not mention to mother the words of this man and the false hope he attempted to deceive me with.
But if mother knew of what I was planning; Would she approve?
With much earnestness, I am considering this. For her sake and hers only.
I will readily risk my life and the lives of my men for her.
XXth May 18xx
I have considered the possibility of Alex's survival many times.
Also, have I considered the means of his retrieval. Where they supposedly have him. The difficulty posed; for it shall not be easy and unbridled force will undoubtedly have to be put forth.
I lose sleep over this. For to dream that he is alive is but a treacherous dream and no good shall come of it.
The advisors are already up in arms against such a move, though, for now, it be merely a thought. Enough of our men have already perished due to his betrayal.
The ring only now serves as a momento.
I refuse to have any more of my men needlessly sacrificed.
[Around Mid-day]
[Off the plains of Verdant: Southern border -
Through the dense trees, which easily darkened the sunlit sky and cooled its heat, Commander Rícard and his men emerged on the other side of the forest.
Into the blinding white daylight and its warmth; they squinted and upon their steeds, they now stood upon lands of - The Southern Kingdom.
Officer #2: It appears the same as home. The land is vast
Officer #1: Only not as mountainous
Captain: And not as friendly
Officer #1: How long before you think we encounter any of them, Commander?
Staring off into the distance with furrowed brows, Rícard surveyed the land ahead of them and with much ease in his voice, he stated clearly
Commander Rícard: You are mistaken if you believe we will encounter them, Officer. They will find us, and it will not take them long...
Officer #1: ...
The officers then glanced at each other apprehensively, while the Commander continued
Commander Rícard: ..Stick together. Remember..
Officer #2: ...
Officer #1: ...
Captain: ...
Commander Rícard: ..unless I give orders, keep your swords sheathed no matter what transpires.
All nodded. And though quite concerned they proceeded cautiously into unknown lands.
The Commander's words soon rang true, for it indeed did not take long. The scouts; unseen to them at first, soon spotted him and his men.
Into the air, dirt flung and flew and dust hung.
They rode at a comfortable pace, on the open plain upon what seemed a rarely used trail.
Captain: Commander?
The Captain glanced behind before loudly addressing him. And in approaching his Commander's side, he garnered his attention and questioned
Captain: This...Isn't this road- ...Are we not a bit too exposed, Commander?
Commander Rícard: That's the point Captain
Captain: ...?
There was no one visible behind following or giving chase but there was, upon turning around, men on horseback approaching ahead.
Fighting against the natural instinct to draw their weapons, Commander Rícard and the others came to a gradual stop and kept the enemy in sight.
Officer #1: Hopefully they aren't beyond common civilities
The southern men suddenly divided themselves into two groups.
Some hung back; about six or seven of them, remaining at a distance, while the others continued their fierce and steady approach.
Soon enough, the Empire's men were all encircled by the wild and excited horses and the drawn swords of the Southerners.
With their horses backing into each other, Rícard and his men lifted their empty hands.
The Commander, about to declare the reason for their arrival, was interrupted when one spat
Scout #3: Dogs of the Empire!!
Under his breath, one officer expressed
Officer #2: Civilities long gone, it seems.
Paying no heed toward the comment, Commander Rícard proceeded to declare
Commander Rícard: At the behest of His Eminence of The Great Empire-
Scout #5: Eminence!?
One questioned with clear disdain, before he heavily spat upon the ground
Scout #9: We do not care what your master has to say filthy dog!
Another, who glared with thick dark brows at the Commander then added
Scout #3: I say we kill them
The statement garnering laughter and boisterous agreements from the other scouts gathered.
Scout Leader: Shut up all of you!!
Sharp and harsh, another spat.
He was quite tanned, with long black hair in multiple strands of braids tied high. The broad southerner sat tall upon his agitated spotted grey horse; a quiver of arrows at his hip and bow slung across him.
And out of the twelve or so scouts, he was the only one who had not drawn any form of weapon.
Silently he glared at each of the men before him. Toward the Commander he sharply lifted his chin and demanded
Scout Leader: You!
Commander Rícard: ...
Scout Leader: Speak! State your reason for being on our lands!
Without hesitation, Commander Rícard again proceeded to pronounce
Commander Rícard: At the behest of His Eminence of The Great Empire, we peacefully bring a message-
Scout #3: Peaceful envoy bearing swords?! It's a trick! We sh-
Viciously the leader hissed, making the scout immediately fall silent.
Addressing the Commander, he then calmly questioned
Scout Leader: What is your message?
Commander Rícard: His Eminence cordially requests an audience with your esteemed King. As you are aware, The Emperor never releases any prisoners of war, unless that is, they are dead-
Met with sharp barks and yelps, Rícard paused until they settled
Scout Leader: Continue on..
Commander Rícard: His Majesty wishes to extend an olive branch of sorts, by means of returning your King's subjects. ...May I?
Under the watchful glares of all the southerners and with both of his hands still raised, he requested, pointing to his hip
Commander Rícard: ..
The scout leader then gave a small and Rícard removed and untied a pouch.
From within, out slid a leather tube with a golden seal. And in it holding out towards the southerner, the Commander offered it to the scout leader. But the man moved not, and simply observed him.
Unexpectedly, another scout rode forward and took it. Snatching it away before respectfully handing it over to his leader.
Commander Rícard: A formal message to your King from the Imperial court of His Eminence.
Scout Leader: Your message is received..
Commander Rícard: ...
Scout Leader: ...I suggest that you and your men leave now.
[Southern Kingdom - Roman's office]
-- Deepest apologies for the interruption, Your Majesty.
A General announced himself as he bowed low and entered the wide room with purpose, disturbing a meeting between Roman and his advisors and councillors.
He strode past irritated men shuffling and murmuring in their seats, and up towards the king, seated at his desk.
Again, he bowed sharply but this time in both his hands there was a long leather tubing with the yellow gold seal of the Empire pressed along its side.
Southern General: A message received from the Empire, my King.
With visible contempt, Roman viewed the item in the man's leather gloved hands; before slowly accepting it from him.
The General then raised himself upright and stood tall and silent.
From its leather binding Roman withdrew the rolled parchment; and it read as such:
- His Royal Majesty of the Southern Kingdom Roman Andranik DuMont
Salutations and my highest regards to you,
Months have passed since our engagement at our borders. Undoubtedly, there still remains strong passions between us with regards to the event.
However, it is my greatest hope that the ways of the son may indeed differ from those of the father.
Therefore, to you I extend an olive branch in the form of an exchange. Your captured subjects; who are of especial interest to you, in return for simply your word.
To what that word would be, I hereby propose a civil discussion be had between us, that we may together come upon an agreement of which would be beneficial toward both esteemed Kingdoms. For this to succeed, compromise must occur along with a strong desire for the betterment of all man placed under our supreme care.
As such, you are hereby granted a most cordial invita-
He crumpled the parchment; dropping it onto the desk and under his breath, Roman then gave an order; unheard even to the General who stood close.
Southern General: Sire?
Roman: Leave...
Southern General: Yes, Your Majesty.
The General nodded sharply and turned to retreat toward the exit, when
Roman: Not you, General
Southern General: ...
Roman lifted his head and viewed his councillors seated in front of him with a nonchalant expression.
He then said just as coolly
Roman: Everyone else...leave.
And so, everyone began to slowly shuffle out of their seats.
The General, sensing the irritation of the King, glanced in his direction and marked his closed eyes, the tightness in his jaw and the deep controlled breath taken before he bellowed
Roman: Now!
His aged advisors became startled and now hastened their departure as quickly as they possibly could.
The General tittered as he observed them leaving, when he heard
Roman: General..
Immediately attentive once more, he removed the smile from his lips and replied
Southern General: Yes, Your Majesty?
Roman: Explain.
Then straight away, standing tall with his chest proud, he reported what took place and what was said between the scout leader and the Emperor's men near the border.
Southern General: ..that is all of what transpired, my King.
With the hand which bore the family ring under his chin, he viciously stared at the letter; crumpled, yet few words were visible.
Unexpectedly, he next said
Roman: The letter reveals little...
Southern General: ...?
Roman: ....
Southern General: ...?
He then simply dismissed the General saying
Roman: Leave...
Roman's dark eyes turned to his General. He added saying
Roman: ..and no one is to disturb me. Understood?
Southern General: Understood, Sire.
And with a nod and the sound of closing doors, his General left him to his troublesome thoughts.
As to what all these were, is uncertain. However, over the following evenings, he penned a few which read:
XXth May 18xx
We retrieved no body and I had long concluded that perhaps he was burnt along with the many other corpses.
Convincing the ministers of what was only a thought; difficult but not impossible. A sound and sure plan must first be devised if I am to sway them. Not all will agree to this I am sure but perhaps a proposal to stimulate such can be made.
XXth May 18xx
Indecision once more. I constantly question myself. What if? Should I? When? How?
It tires me.
Should I abandon the thought? Perhaps, he is indeed gone. Then, there shall be no need for agreeing to deal with vipers and compromising with dogs.
Perhaps. But, what if?
My mind circles itself. There is no rest.
XXth May 18xx
At first, I believed the letter revealed little about the Emperor. However, upon a second perusal, I discerned in his words that he is willing to move past ill will but still holds the battle as something which was unnecessary and devastating.
Also too, it seems as though he hopes that it shall never occur again, at least in his reign, for he trusts that I would not venture along the same path as father.
What is more, the mention of being in possession of 'special prisoners' - He did not name them. Not a single one. Intentionally so.
I have deemed it now that the traitorous snake's information was indeed authentic.
XXnd May 18xx
An alliance can be had; I have decided. For I shall never show weakness and bow and plead. I will never compromise.
The Empire does indeed have him. I am certain of this now.
On my own, finding and having him return home will be quite difficult. Should I venture this route, death is guaranteed, not only my own but that of everyone and anyone else involved.
Doubt has been cast.
**An announcement - As I know those who may read my story may not follow me on IG, (that's perfectly fine) but the story will be on a hiatus for at least 2 more months - Release date will be announced in the near future for Part 2 of Act 2. (So, February 2024?) Look forward to it. :) Until then, take care.
Update: New Episodes are out! Continue reading :)
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