Kyle felt surprisingly light as he went to school the following day, he thinks that it was probably because he confessed his feelings to Angela not too long ago. Being able to be honest about something that had laid heavy on his heart for so long was liberating, Kyle was happy that he could finally be honest about it.
With thoughts like that in mind, he met up with his friends for lunch.
“Hey, guys!” He greeted Neil and Cole. The two friends quickly picked up on his cheery mood and Cole was sad to realize that it was probably because of Angela. He mentally scolded himself, telling himself that he should be happy for Kyle because Kyle was happy.
"Hey Kyle, what's up man?" Neal replied, giving Kyle a bit of a bro shake. Kyle shook his hand glancing at Cole with a smile.
"Nothing really, I went on that date with Angela and it went pretty well," Kyle told his friends happily. That intrigued Neal since he knew that Kyle only had one girlfriend before.
"It went that well huh?" Neal teased. Kyle smiled and nodded, finally digging into his lunch.
"Yeah, it was. Actually, Angela and I-" Kyle started, being cut off by someone calling his name from afar. The three boys turned to see Angela waving from another table across the room. Kyle's expression brightened immediately and Cole cursed inwardly at the beautiful sight. Angela waved for Kyle to join her at her table. Kyle turns back to Cole and Neil and it was obvious that he wanted to go.
"Sure, go ahead, have fun," Cole smiled, pushing Kyle away when he went to give him a hug. Kyle ignored the sting and when he looked back at Angela he forgot all about it.
"I'll call you guys later so we can hang out!" Kyle yelled as he walked away. When Kyle sat down next to Angela she gave him a hug, and because he didn't think about what it might mean he hugged her back.
Cole saw the exchange and right then and there knew that Kyle had a girlfriend. Cole had told himself so many times before not to get his hopes up, not to catch feelings. But it was no use when Kyle was just . . . Kyle. Cole had feelings and they just happened to be for his straight friend.
Angela glanced back over at Kyle's table and noticed Cole's slightly uncomfortable expression.
"Are you sure it was alright for you to join me?" She asked hesitantly.
"Of course, they said that they didn't mind and you know how most guys are," Kyle joked.
"Well, not really," Angela admitted bashfully. "But I guess I can go off of stereotypes if that's okay with you, but I usually don't try to."
Kyle winced when a mental image came up and shook his head
"Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea," Kyle agreed. "But they're fine with this I promise." Kyle's answer seemed to please Angela so she nodded and went back to eating her sandwich. The two of them talked and chatted for a little bit longer before Kyle decided to head back to his own table for the last 5 minutes of lunch. When he got there Neal was grinning like an idiot and Cole tried to give him a teasing smirk.
"You did enjoy yourself right?" Neal asked jokingly. "I mean we gave up our precious time with you so that you could go flirt your ass off. The best you could have done is gotten more progress with her." Despite himself, Cole snorted, and though he was being teased, Kyle could not help himself and smiled at the adorable sound.
Kyle played along and his banter with Neil had Cole laughing for the rest of lunch. By the time they were all heading back to their classes, Kyle realized that he had not told his two friends that he was not dating Angela, and he felt his stomach churn with nervous energy when he thought that he also had not told them that he wasn't into girls. It was that final thought that had him in a nervous mood for the rest of the day.
Kyle had classes with Cole in his first 1st, 3rd, and 7th periods. Because of this, he saw his friend four times a day, so after they met at lunch and Kyle was sitting in his 6th period he suddenly remembered that he had wanted to invite Cole over to his place today.
He sped through the thin halls, weaving through students and teachers as best he could and getting annoyed multiple times as certain students moved like sloths until he finally ended up at his seventh period. He sent a small smile to their math teacher and went to stand in front of Cole's desk. Cole looked up when he sensed someone's presence and felt a person's shadow then smiled when he laid eyes on Kyle.
"Oh hi," Cole beamed, tapping his desk rapidly. "Sit, Mrs. Briar is pretty chill until the bell rings." Kyle did not have to be told twice and sat sideways on Cole's wooden top desk.
"I just came over to ask if you wanted to head over to my house later today," He explained, his smile widening as he thought of all the laughs they would have together. "I have practice today so I wouldn't be able to take you straight home but maybe we could organize a time or something."
Cole nodded and pulled out his phone.
"You have my number right?" He asked without looking up at Kyle. Kyle frowned in thought and pulled out his own phone.
He checked through his contacts and ended up puzzled when Cole didn't show up.
"Oh . . . " Kyle trailed when he checked his messenger. "I only called you using Facebook. I don't have your number." The two exchanged phone numbers and Cole planned to be at Kyle's house by 6:45.
The two started up a conversation about their cell phone plans but the bell rang so Kyle was forced to sit back in his own seat. A seat that was far enough away from Cole's to make it impossible to talk. Kyle, unenthusiastically at best, listened and paid attention during the class but the moment the bell rang he was back at Cole's side. The two chatted up while going through the halls but were forced to split apart since Cole had language arts and Kyle had . . . basic . . . art.
Cole's gigantic and bright smile started to dim when he noticed Angela come down the hall and completely dropped as he watched her enter Kyle's classroom. Kyle watched Cole's reaction with confusion but once Angela was gone Cole acted as if nothing had ever happened.
"Bye, I'll see you later," Cole smiled half-heartedly as he started to walk away to his next class.
"Ah, you too!" Kyle called to Cole's retreating form. Cole nodded before turning back completely and quickly leaving Kyle's sight.
As Kyle finally entered art class he endlessly pondered over Cole's actions. He couldn't figure out why Cole had frowned and though it should not have bothered him the one-sided interaction ran through his head over and over.
"Are you alright?" Angela asked kindly as Kyle slowly lowered himself into his seat. Kyle pursed his lips but nodded.
"Yeah, I'm alright," He answered, his mind far away. "Just confused."
Angela, being the smart person that she was, did not believe Kyle but played along anyway.
"Well, I hope that you understand soon," She said as an afterthought, shrugging as if she didn't really believe the statement.
Kyle stared at my painting, taking in the two dark silhouettes sitting at their picnic. And let several thoughts run through his mind.
Why had I made the picture of a man in the first place?
Why didn't Cole like Angela?
Why couldn't I stop worrying about him?
He had no answer and that was the worst part.
He wasn't lying to Angela.
But he might've been lying to himself.
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