This page (pages ? I don't know, I just tried a different format) was hell. I was really sick this week, I lost 2-3 hours of work by forgetting to save and I just. Ugh.
Ah. And also.
RIP 21 mai's buffer (July 2016 - August 2016)
Well, at least I feel like the pages will become more interesting from now on. As much as I love "basic" romance stories, I had to add something weird to mine !
Ah and on another note : if you notice any mistakes (drawings or grammar) or have any piece of advice for me, please tell me ! I'm still getting used to all this comic stuff
May used to write a lot, but now that she's lost inspiration, nothing
can keep her entertained anymore.
Ariane doesn't really know what she's doing and stopped caring about it a long time ago.
Somehow they meet and a strange collaboration sees the light of day...
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