It has been a great adventure and while the journey did not end the way we expected, nothing can express all the support that we have received up until this point. We're sorry for the disappointment that may have been caused. Thank you all!
I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty bummed out by this announcement, but if that's the decision you've come to then I'll respect it. I've really enjoyed the series; the story and characters, and the art have all been a joy to read and admire. I'm sure this decision was hard for you to make as the creators. I do hope though, that you haven't given up because of a lack of reader interest. Unless this was a monetary venture, I believe that even one reader who loves and is inspired by your work is a blessing to have, but I also know you value each and every one of us as such, and that, while I said that, you need to pay the bills somehow and comic- making isn't easy. I hope to see some work from you in the future. Until then, I wish you the best, and thank you for sharing what you have of this story.
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