After unexplainable dreams, Gren zaru a white haired seventeen year old boy decides to embark on an adventure through the land of Planet Rocnar, leaving his hometown (Town Raggedy) and his mom and a brother like child known as Orey behind. Using the power of vybe and an ancient sword, will Gren be able to live long enough to see another day? Or will the obstacles be too much for the young swordsman to handle?
For generations, beings known as Rancore have been disrupting human life. In doing so, they manifest what is known as an unborn core, which spawn into monstrous creatures. Creatures known as Remunanto. A boy known as Gren Zaru has been fighting Remunanto for years, without truely knowing their origin. Being sent what he believes to be supernatural messages, he decides to take action. With a power known as vybe and an ancient sword, he embarks on a journey to unfold the dangers of his world on a planet known as Rocnar.
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