This is Evvey, 28-years old artist from a little bike-friendly country in Europe.
I can go wild on ADD-fueled enthusiasm and I've started a lot of projects over the years, but now that I'm in to art school I'm finally learning to finish them! (while simultaneously having the best time of my life so far)
Or at least 5. I've been lost in the woods for a while, and I came out with a new perspective. What I've learned is basically that the magic was inside me all along haha;
I've always been an artist but only this year I realised that I actually NEED to be an artist and create regularly to stay mentally healthy.
So! I've finally started in art school and man, I'm CELEBRATING life now! It's a wild ride and not always easy, but I finally feel alive again, more empowered than ever, and I'm enjoying it.
Anyway, I am back with a new short comic to share, starting in a few days!
And after that, there's more on the way that I'm working on :)
I'm trying to draw but my tablet is dying... if I'm lucky. If I'm not, it's already dead. I really hope I can make it work again, and long enough to finish this page!