Not only do we have the comic with all back issues, you can get your very own ATZI PLUSHY as well! This time we follow Ogstan and Toyvan, two tiny creatures on their big adventure on the back of an Aquanid! Be sure to check it out as we're already funded and going for stretch goals!
We just broke our launch day record on Indiegogo for Life On Cora #3!
That's right, on day FIVE, we went from having €108 raised in a single day to €129!
Now standing at 9 backers and €360, this comic is HAPPENING!
Every 25 backers, we're giving away an ORIGINAL PAGE to someone who backed!
Worth every penny! LOC #3 will have 3 covers to choose from by some amazing artists!
Left by Eristeine and myself
Middle by Dareshi
Right by Daniel HDR
Perfect, thank you! =) I just checked my mail again and saw your reply! ;) Sorry for emphasizing here that I sent you an e-mail, however, sometimes mail does not come through, so I wanted to make sure ;)
Have a nice evening =)
Heya lovelies! For Inksgiving this year we'll be doing another raffle at 50k ink! :D That's right, another gigantic piece and every 100 inks you drop are a slot.
Below is the one I made last year for our awesome friend Wen ^^