Okay, I don’t really have to win this, but could we at least keep me somewhere where it’s a bit less embarrassing? Like 6th maybe? Or even 7. But 11th simply will not do.
So here’s the deal:
Vote for me and I will draw YOU as a zombie as soon as opportunity presents itself in the next issue(s).
It only takes 30 seconds to vote, no registration, no confirmation mails, or whatnot. So just send me a screenshot of your vote, along with a decently sized profilepicture, and your face will feature as soon as possible in the next Darklight Chronicles.
The website remembers your vote, so if you’ve already voted, (which is awesome) you can alway go back and take a screenshot.
So click ‘Duisterlicht Kronieken’, enter your email address and join me in fame eternal. As a zombie!
After chiseling at it for over a year, I can finally call Book 9 done. But before I unleash it's raw, visceral crudity upon you innocent souls, a teaser to whet your appetite.
As always, read chapters 1 - 8 here:
Big thanks to The Green Room ( for making my crappy music sound good (and actually recording the guitars)