Since Apple decided Oberland Files was SOMEHOW too dark and edgy to for their app store I decided to nuke it. I've restarted an a new "Oberland Files" per se. "Tales From the Oberland".
I knowww. I wonder if a troll (do I even have those?) reported it or Appple just made a mistake or there was a misunderstanding. This was awhile ago and I'm moving forward regardless.
Life Update! As there has been very little signs of life since....2018. That gets a YIKES from me.
One would assume a pandemic would get me to start updating again. Yes I thought the same too. But my trusted ol cintiq malfunctioning aside (had to reset to factory settings), I have been too busy saving and working along my beau to make enough cash to be able to afford a house, which is a soul-sucking affair akin to a dementor from the Harry Potter books, but looks like there is now a light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel.
I'm hoping to start posting more again soon once we get the keys and set up base. I will make a new series like Oberland files (since some silly person reported OF for innapropiate content for some reason that eludes me) where I'll be posting more of what I have been working more on the side. A lot can be seen on my Oberland instagram by the way...
As a side note I briefly worked at Cartoon Network last year on an upcoming show (can't say which one yet) and I'm currently doing character designs for other companies. Maybe I can humbly brag about those if they become shows, maybe. So I am also quite busy still, which is a good thing when you are a freelancer. Who knows maybe I will open comissions one day too if there's a demand.
UPDATE: Bah I just re-read that tapas support email and Oberland files was only removed from the Apple app not the others. Reasons are: "Overtly sexual or pornographic material"
"Realistic portrayals of people or animals being killed". It's DEFINITELY not the former and I struggle to figure out what could be considered the later... Have too much crap to deal with atm so I guess iphone/ipad people won't be getting Oberland Files content for now.
Hello!!! Just a heads up that neither me nor the comic is dead. But my free time is barely alive though. So the comic is gonna be on a hiatus until I become less busy. I'll try to be active, somehow, the keyword being try :I
TheNiceZombie- I joined in recently. The film struggled to get some founding at first but sped up once Netflux got it's hands on it. Film is set to come out this Christmas, hopefully
Haha not sad, but I got sick with some seasonal viral crap and I have been working at a turtle pace this whole week. Also Nier Automata got me a little bit busy too.
It's been some time with no updates. I've been dealing with a small move (I'm kind of a nomad I guess) + other tedious life and work ( looking for it is soul-crushing) endeavors that keep me off the drawing table (my cintiq being packed in box being one of them -_-) sigh things are still on hiatus at the moment.
There is also this one other thing. I want to re-do the first chapter of my comic "First Contact" while it was exciting for me to do a comic after many years I don't feel like it was the best way to tell the first story of the Oberland Saga, and so I would like to make it better. Chapter 2 is fine and needs little if no change, But alas.
I also have an ipad pro now if you're curious why I still post smaller artworks on instagram. I'll try to do comics once I get a better hang on the programs.
Charter 3 will be delayed due to some issues with my personal life. Nothing real bad, but it’s keeping me busy and away from Tapas. Just to let you all know.
Normally I'm against monetizing work I do for fun, but since my lad and I are on the long run to save money for a future house, I'm considering an extra side income wouldn't be the worst idea.
I want to open a Patreon or Koffi (or both) but I'd like to know what is the better option.
To be clear, I don't intend make Oberland for patron-only folks like other comics. The main webcomic story-line will still continue to be open for everyone.
While my main goal is to add money to our house savings, I'd also like to use some of it to make Oberland merch on the side too.
I don't know yet since I'm very on the fence due to finding a reward system hard to keep if it's not my main job. But things like sketch/color requests/comission, comic background character cameos, small merch come to mind tho.
Emara episode 5 is the one episode I worked during my internship at Sun Creature! I was surrounded by crazy talented people from whom I learned a lot.
What a blast it was!
For those who are curious about what exactly I did. I mostly colored lots of character animation in various shots (around 101 out of 164 so it kept me VERY busy) as well as adding some of the glowing eye effects on both Emara and the big scary guy.