hello I'm reading MU and I like your work a lot!.......... Well, I have a Facebook page which we translate comics for portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese (it's almost the same thing, but some people dont' know about that! ahaha). And I Would be very happy if you allow us to translate your comic to this language. .......... Our Facebook page is (Página fora dos clichês que posta web comics e casais lindos- https://www.facebook.com/amortodasasmaneiras/?ref=bookmarks ) we're very serious about our work and we'd be ery glad to translate your comic!......... And of course, we're gonna put all your information like Patreon, Tapastic, Web Site.
I was away for to long... I would like to thank the people who still keep on waiting for updates and for the people who enjoyed my one-shots.. THANK YOU!! (below is my fanart for HIDOKU SHINAIDE, hope the fujoshis will love this)
I'm FINALLY starting to upload my other one shot story MU!! ( https://tapastic.com/series/MU-Mute-Understanding ).. please continue to support me!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
To all the readers of Questions Answered, I just want to say THANK YOU!!! before the finale. It was just a project but thank you for appreciating!!! <3 <3