I'm a socially awkward old maid who just wants to write. English is not my first language, but I really want to try and write in it. I'm not a very confident person, so I hesitated all the time. But I figured, I need to take that first step or I'll never write. So yeah, to hell with it. I'm just going to write whatever that comes to mind.
Oh, before I forget. I'm a simple person, and so are my words. My stories probably won't be glitzy. They will be quite plain, since I'm also a plain person with a plain life...That said, please enjoy yourself. And maybe if you think my writing could somehow be somebody's solace, something to relate to, or just carve a teeny, tiny smile on a person's face, please let me know by leaving me a like, a comment and yes, please subscribe! I'd be very happy indeed. Thank you.
As usual, I have a problem with controlling my train of thoughts. Since yesterday I keep jumping around all the characters' stories, and as a result I forgot about Ammu...The train went too fast, unmanned. And it braked at a different station somewhere unintended. So yeah, need to gather my thoughts...I should probably jot things down, hahaha...