To everyone subscribed to my other works that are not Blood Lust...
I apologize but I will be deleting them within the next day or so to clear up my library a bit. This is mostly because I no longer have the files for them and can't work/post any more of them, or I've lost interest in making them. I might go back at a later date and work on them again but that won't be fore a while, at least until after I've finished Blood Lust and a few other projects I will start posting soonish.
Sorry if you were holding out on me updating them again. This is just a heads up to those who are subscribed to them.
Oh my sweet Cthulhu, I am so sorry to all of my readers and subscribers to Blood Lust! A lot has happened over the last few years that has left the series in hiatus, but I promise to make an update sometime within the next week or two, depending on my schedule to update everyone on what's been going on lately. Please be patient and thank you for sticking around for so long!
For readers who were waiting for my webcomic "Food Sense"...
How would you all feel if I rebranded it into something different but still centered around food, particularly desserts? I say this because after going over that story again and again, it's basically a gay ripoff of Food Wars, lol.
I could either delete the story entirely and start up a new one, or take the current story and just change the title and story and keep the subscribers for it.
I dunno...
Also my other story "Blood Lust", I apologize for the hiatus. I will be making an update on my absence soon, I promise!
Another heads up. Sorry but updates are going to me sporadic for a few days or longer. I recently had a new addition to my family and he's taking up all my time right now. I'll talk about him when I post the next update soon.
Heads up, the next update might be only one page and might be a day or two late, given I cut my finger the other day and it hurts to draw for too long. Sorry...
Hey, everyone. Due to an unexpected incident in my personal life, today's update will be delayed by at least a day or two. If the next two pages aren't up tomorrow, they will be on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.
Just went in and updated chapter 1 so all 48 pages are condensed into 2 episodes, but I could/might condense them into one if that is what everyone prefers. I don't mind either way.
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. It was the 4th of July and the day after my sister's birthday, so I was spending time with her and the fam since we couldn't the day before. Also I want to get back to my original update schedule of having new pages on the 2nd and 4th Sundays every month, so expect a new update this coming Sunday.
Sorry I didn't post the new pages this past weekend! I got busy with my weekend job and other projects and didn't have much of a chance to finish them, then on Sunday and Monday my city was dealing with on-and-off blackouts due to storms that had been hitting my state for the last week and a half (and they still keep coming). I couldn't even log into Genshin Impact to do my daily tasks or stream on Sunday or Monday cuz of the blackouts.
But don't worry: updates will resume this weekend. Only about 10 pages left until chapter 1 is done!
First off: sorry for not posting this past Sunday, I took a day off for Easter Sunday, but double updates will resume this Sunday!
Second: I'm considering either reuploading every episode for chapter 1 of Blood Lust into one episode or multiple episodes depending on file size (or just updating and merging them into earlier pages) once the first chapter is done, then deleting the old episodes for easier reads for new readers and current ones wanting recaps before the next chapter, and I'll do this for future chapters. This means I'll loose likes and comments on deleted episodes, but again it will look cleaner and will be easier to read.