Sorry for the delay! I'm redrawing certain pages of chapter 1 currently, and restructuring how the chapter itself is ordered. I hope to have all of the first chapter complete and uploaded by Halloween 2023!
I FINALLY have news! The star of my comic The Shadow Realm, James Carvillius, is getting an improved look and a revamped plot! Please stay tuned over the next few weeks for the grand introduction of: The Puppet Prince!
James? Are you not gonna' continue your comic? It has a really interesting plot. If you continue you will get many subscribers. Please don't leave us hanging ;-;
Oh my gosh! I never saw this! I'm so sorry but YES I absolutely plan on posting again soon! I've been working on revamping the story and characters a little, but I promise I'll have something soon!
OK! I'm going to TRY to start working on another page on Tuesday. I'll TRY to have it finished by the 9th of February, and uploaded on that Friday. I'll TRY to keep a similar schedule. No promises, but I will TRY.
I know I promised an update, and I swear on my life that I'll have it posted before the end of this year. Things have been super stressful lately so that's why it's been put off. Also, on a slightly related note, I've decided to keep a mood sketchbook thingy. So I might post those on here too.