I do a comic called 'Slack-Wyrm.' Mainly because I've been drawing dragons and monsters and other fun stuff since I was 6 and I see no reason to stop now.
Hello Josh, I'm new to Tapas and see that people advertise their comics by posting on walls for some reason.
I'm giving it a go! :))
Delete this if it annoys you
Just to let you know that your original character has made it on this week's edition of my Root Beers on Tapas comic. Why not take a look at this time? https://tapas.io/episode/2786118
My sister found your comic last week. Since then, I've been reading through the entire arch. I adore Slack and your story. Slack is amazing and deserves to be on top of Tapas. I just wish I'd found this earlier so I could have gotten a plush... dang.