Good news! Now that I am settled into college and have more free time, each story will start again :) I apologize for the long wait since I had to deal with college, work, and stress management. I will resume chapters and should post a new chapter for each story by this upcoming Sunday. After that, the same schedule from the beginning will be used. Any questions, concerns, critiques (constructive!), or conversations with me can be messaged to me on my dashboard. If that doesn't work than leave a message in the comments. I can't wait to show you guys what's up next! Thanks for your support (TwT)*
So I'm going to have to take a small hiatus for a while due to moving day preparations and college coming up. Also, I won't be as free within this month, and early next, to upload new episodes(Hence the lack of an update last week on Frozen Shadows). Of course I will be back but it will be a while before I can get back into the swing of making chapters and such. I may post new sketch ideas for some of the characters on my DA, but writing should resume after a short break. Have a nice day everyone, I'll be back soon. :)
Hey everyone! So, due to the fact that I have graduation this upcoming Wed., there won't be an update until Thursday. The schedule my school set up for seniors has leeched away a lot of writing time, so I will be later in posting another episode. Please understand and know I love you guys. 😊