Hola! Espero que estes muy bien.
Mi nombre es Lucas, vivo en Argentina y me encantaría poder compartir con el resto de las personas historias que se me vengan a la cabeza y que encuentren algo en que les pueda ayudar; ya sea pasar el tiempo, conocer otros puntos de vista, otras historias, otros estilos de vida y lo que sea. ¡Gracias y difrutá la vida!
Hi there, I hope you're doing well.
Mi name is Lucas, I from Argentina & I'd love to share with the rest of you stories that comes up to my mind and I hope you could find in them something that could help you, wheter spending time, reading another points of view, other stories, lifestiles & whatever. ¡Thank you and enjoy life!
‘Why do they have to be so gay?’, ‘Who do you think is the man/woman/husband/wife in the relationship?’, ‘Don’t cry, don’t be gay’, ‘You’re such a faggot’, ‘It’s disgusting’, ‘They should’t exist’,
Those were one of many questions or comments that I have listened to throughout my whole life.
We grow up in environments where being truly us was prohibited, excluded, sinful or shameful. In order to survive, yes, survive, most of us had to fake a personality or a shell that protected us from that environment, from that society. Not all of us went through the same path. Some may have had a really good experience growing up with supportive relatives & friends, but others may have gone through hell until feeling safe.
Doesn’t matter where you place yourself. In any case I’m sure you have at least heard one of those comments or even another ones.
Speaking from my own self experience, I grew up believing that I was a mistake. I thought that I had the task to find a way of being "normal", being heterosexual. Was not allowed for me to be diverse. Denying myself and hiding one of the most important part of a human being was very difficult. Up to now I’m struggling to fight many homophobic thoughts. We even gays have been and can be homophobics. It’s not our fault. It’s what we were taught since we were toddlers. Maybe not in a direct but in an indirect way.
Sometimes I think of all the people that had not even really loved in their life. So many people may have had to fake until their last days. It’s really sad when you realize it.
Watching the media and reading the history books about how many heroes lived and died for the freedom that we have today made me feel relieved and grateful.
I think it's a waste of life to pretend to be somebody I’m not, luckily I’m trying to change. I’m trying to become who I want to be. It’s not easy to unlearn or detach from thoughts and ideas that were put into our minds.
As we grow older we have to learn, sorry, to find our true selfs and get rid of all of that shame that was put into our mind since the beginning of our life.
So basically that’s why we are proud once we accept ourselves, that's the reason for pride. That’s the reason I’m proud of us.