Hey folks! I think I'm gonna start adding little daily doodles as vote incentives for Bent Pins on top webcomics. So please vote for Bent Pins by clicking on this link!
And of course you can vote daily by clicking on the button on the bentpinscomic.com website, but that's kind of hard to see at the mo, so I might wind up designing something a little more appealing
AAAAND a very special THANKS FOR READING folks! Cheers!
Seems like there are yet again more problems with tapastic's updating, I don't want you guys to get the idea that I am unreliable with my update schedule, please go to undecayed.com and bentpinscomic.com to read today's comics (featuring a guest comic by Vikiro Hop for bent pins)
i did wind up just clicking publish now, because I realized there were no comics for it to get mixed up with, but it did look like tapastic's little scheduling calendar seemed to think we're a couple days behind
Fammmmm Undecayed is creeping up the list on top webcomics! I'm pretty stoked about it, and if you like undecayed and want to get it a little more visibility, please vote for it, I would super appreciate it. Currently sitting at 200! Let's see if we can get it on the front page!