Another Weekly update on the progress of my comic. If you're keeping up with these, or my daily videos (which feature speed drawings, and tons of spoilers about the story), let me know. what you think. I'm trying to deliver something that you will enjoy, and feedback helps me do that. :) Have another great week everyone! Space-Cat is on his way!
Week 7 of my 100 Days of Making Comics Challenge. If you're new to these videos, here's the rundown: I was commissioned to work on a large creative project, sucking up all the time I had to practice art, work on my comics, or do much of anything. Then I discovered Kevin Cross and "Thee 100's" group. Since then I've been working at least 30 minutes a day, everyday, building up my art skills, working on my comics, and ultimately trying to build my own business so someday I won't have to take on any more freelance or commission work. That's the dream anyway. :) And this is one of my weekly updates on how that's going.
The writing is going steadily along. Pretty sure I have Chapter 1 locked down and ready to go to script/thumbnails soon. I will continue to keep you posted every week. Really anxious for this stop-motion to be finished so I can get back to having more time for my comics.
Sorry folks, I could've swore I posted week 3's video. Here's week 4 though. Still plugging along. Once my commission for the Stop Motion project is finished I will be able to do a lot more work on Space-Cat, and hopefully make up for my fumbled non-release.
Another update on Space-Cat's progress! This week I cranked out 30 more pages of story for the beginning, the end, and the tender middles. Until I finish the script, concept art is taking a backseat for a while. I'm going this route based on a gut feeling and advice from some other super helpful creators. It feels like the right move to ensure I'm keeping on task with work that will translate into finished pages the quickest. I can't wait to get back to drawing though! :D
Space-Cat release date has been postponed. Here's a video that briefly explains why. But all's not lost, dear readers! The project just took a dramatic turn midway through, and I'm too in love with where it's going to rush it. I'll start releasing weekly progress videos and occasional concept art though, so if you're interested in the project, you can follow along with the progress I'm making on it all the way up to the eventual release. This time I won't even give a date until I'm 100% certain I can meet it. Hope you all understand. Thank you very much for the support up to this point, and I'll be back to share a lot more Space-Cat goodness very soon!
First look at a test panel for a scene that is a bit down the line from where we will begin. Jayce and Cat. Very minor spoiler I suppose. If you want to get even more info on the comic, and more frequent updates with concept art and process videos, check out my facebook page as well.
Hey Folks! Thanks to everyone who's been subscribing to this! I appreciate it so much. Sorry I haven't been sharing progress updates or concept work as much recently. I have been deep in the zone, working on loads of work for the comic. But that's a good thing, right? :)