So about the release date, I was aiming at end of March but with how things are going, it will probably be around end of April instead (definitely in the upcoming months tho !)
However I just learn about a platform called "Webcomicsapp" they are currently taking submissions, offering a spot to be published (exclusive or not, depends on the contract) what it means is, artists get to be paid for their work ! YAY !
I want to take my shot at it with "What Remains of Us" since they are looking to diversify their library which is filled with BL and Romance comics, I think I have a fair chance to grab their attention (i hope so xD)
The only trick is, one of their recommendation is to send the first 3 updates (probably to get a decent feel of the serie) which I don't have at the moment.
Right now I'm thinking of keeping things under wrap so I can work without the pressure of releasing update every week so the project can look clean and shiny when I'll send them my submission haha !
Or I can just roll with it so everyone can enjoy the comic early this year !
Even though like I said in the beginning, it doesn't matter what I'll end up doing, What Remains of Us will be released in the upcoming months for sure !
Hey guys ! I hope 2019 is doing great so far for you !
As expected the production of What Remains of Us is now back on track !
Here a little sneak peek, don't worry WROU will not be a page by page type of webcomic. The "cinematic" vibe is still here.
It's a bit long to explain but basically as I work on the "webtoon layout" I format the comic in a traditional layout at the same time so down the line I can print it.
If you want more behind the scene like this, follow me on Instragram, I don't wanna spam here too much, unless you are okay with it !
Hey guys ! Sorry for not giving you any updates !
Like mention in the last post I have a pretty long contrat that keeps me away from working on What Remains of Us, I thought I could finish EP.6 and announcing you guys this but right now Ep.6 is like 65% completed.
So I'm aiming to get back toward November so I can have a decent buffer to show you guys !
Anyway from today to sunday I'll be at Japan Expo (France) so in case you are around, come say "hi" <3
Hey ! Just to let you know that this month I have a lot of deadline to meet and an upcoming contract that keeps my mind really busy, hence why EP.6 takes awhile haha.
But here a little something to keep you waiting.
Also please do follow me on Instagram or Twitter, I don't say that just to plug myself xD but if you want update on what's going on with the comic, you'll get everything there !
PS : Thanks to the burst of followers recently and big thanks to VVBG for the recommandation, it really do mean a lot to see that my work can speak to you guys ! <3
Damn I'm sick as hell. I'll try my best to release the next episode monday but I'm slower than usual, plus this episode is a bit more longer too and introduce new characters as well haha.
Anyway, would you be interested in a Q&A ? As we are close to end Chapter 1, I want to make something special haha. If yes, I'll make an annoucement in the next episode but you can drop your question here.
Hey Hey !
I hope you are all excited for "What Remains of us" !
Here ! I got something for you, let's reveal one character, maybe I'll drop the other until the launch ;) !