Hello, everyone! I mentioned this in the author's notes for the last chapter I posted, but anyone who isn't caught up won't see that right away, so I figured I'd post here, too:
I'm very behind when it comes to reading and commenting, as well as editing the upcoming parts of BDE. My posting schedule will change from Wednesday and Friday to just Friday for a while.
In the meantime, have this wonderful piece of art my friend Lorian made of Sanya and Iyu! Go read their novel, For a Horse and Horseman, and their comics! They're an amazing artist and writer! https://tapas.io/lorian
That is such a sweet picture.
Upload whenever you can, I have an amazing amount of kinship with anyone who struggles to keep up with reading and writing :D
I come back from a trip only to realize that Tapas perhaps did not notify some (all?) Big Dead Energy subscribers about Chapter 156, posted on November 22: https://tapas.io/episode/3363741
I imagine you will be very confused if you don't read this chapter before moving on to the others. Apologies that I only noticed this after several other chapters had already been published because I was out of town. 😑
Hello, all! If you are not caught up with Big Dead Energy (how dare you? jk), you might have missed this survey I shared. But even if you're not caught up, your answers can still help me out a lot!
I'm trying to figure out how to make peace with self-promotion and learn where to focus my social media marketing efforts. To aid in that process, I've put together this short survey for BDE readers: https://forms.gle/EciEmCNsfpJQ6mkE9
Just tell me a little bit about what you like to read and where you like to read it! You get to talk about yourself, and I get to collect that sweet, sweet data (anonymously--I'm not collecting your emails or anything else you don't want to share). I will be eternally grateful for your answers! 😇
I understand the feeling ick about self promo. But... just gotta get out there and do it. Best I've come up with is once per day somewhere. Otherwise, just be active _somewhere_ like the discord server, or social media.
I am alive! But I only have use of one arm, and I'm very frustrated by the fact that I have to hunt and peck to type. I'm going to be in a cast and on medication for another couple of weeks. Hopefully I will be able to schedule further posts and respond to comments, but I may still be slow to resume my normal commenting activity. I am exhausted just from typing this and daunted by the prospect of going back to add some necessary commas I see I missed above.
Thank you all for the love and support while I've been gone!
Tomorrow, I'll be posting the final chapter in Big Dead Energy: Book 1. I just wanted to say that... I need to come up with a better title. I'm an adult. I can't keep living like this.
But in all seriousness, I'm just very excited to finish out this book on Tapas, and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read even a chapter on the way, and especially to those of you who have been following from the beginning to the end, leaving your likes and comments. I really appreciate all of you, and I hope you'll drop a line here or on the last chapter if you feel comfortable, just so I can say "thank you" personally.
This has been a long time in the making—if this posting process were a pregnancy, and the book was born tomorrow, it would probably survive out of the womb!—and I'm so thrilled to share the end with you.
Book 2 is fully complete and ready to start posting. I'm trying to decide if it makes more sense to start an entirely new series for Book 2 or continue posting Book 2 as new chapters in Book 1. Either way, I will let you know, and I hope you'll continue on with me and the story.
Thanks again; see y'all tomorrow!
PS: If I do start Book 2 as a new series, I'm going to need cover artist recommendations, stat!
OMG!! I loved this story despite how slow my reading is - my astigmatism kills me lol - and I'm looking forward for Book 2!!! Iyu and Sanya have a spot in my heart🥰🥰🥰
Hi I've just finished a Huff The Dragon themed fan art Desktop I hope you enjoy! If you're curious here's a link to Huff on Tapas by Huff The Dragon https://tapas.io/series/Huff/info
and to get your own desktop or, have your OC appear in my comics or get your own shoutout card. Visit my Ko-Fi or Patreon ^^