I'm a little on the strange side and I like to talk- a lot and yet I'm also a bit shy but once I'm used to you I'll start yapping away. I have been getting a bit of a reputation for my bird people and thought it would be nice to actually make a story about them. I'd been planning to for some time now but my brain gets filled with so many ideas for other projects at the same time that it is difficult to focus. So of course I'm trying to get used to using a scheduling tool and see if that will help me out or not.
I LOVE Batman.
Deadpool is an awesome comic book character too.
I do traditional ink paintings but I like digital too and for me how I approach a piece is almost completely different between the two.Read more
manga studio ex 5.0, #2 HB pencil, lots and lots of ink
woo-hoo live stream tonight at 7 pm (EST) folks gonna keep it going until 7 am (EST) - I hope you'll be able to join my friends and I on a crazy funtastic adventure https://picarto.tv/RmCreatures
Stream-a-thon guys! Let's have some fun- some drawing - games- magical artwork - it will be FANTASTIC so come hang out on picarto with me and the gang https://picarto.tv/SilverFoxArt
okay I fixed my patreon and set it up properly- I think- this time... ^_^;
SUPER nervous. Also ebily excited.... Made sure to get the app and stuff too- think I'm gonna livestream tonight...
Things this past week have made it difficult to get things done and a lot of things in my life have made getting my plan for Witch Oops! this week difficult to get done on time so as a way to make it up to you guys I want to get 2- if not 3 pages done for you guys.
hey guys working on page 5 again... still... gotta get it done tomorrow if you guys wanna hop on and watch me draw live via picarto I'll be using it for the next few nights- tonight I'm starting at 8pm I would LIKE to start at 5 pm tomorrow (I'm not sure how well that will go but I'll try) and the same time the next day- I will either be working on Witch Oops! or I will be making digital paintings or something- this Saturday and Sunday are my reserved days for a commission I'll be working on so no livestream then....
My picarto: https://picarto.tv/RmCreatures
I'm sorry guys I'm debating something... Should I continue doing livestreams on picarto or should I switch over to youtube live?
Please let me know what you guys think.
note there's a straw poll: http://strawpoll.me/6034392
that moment when you flip a panel and it looks good no matter what you do..... uuuuugghhh.... that doesn't help me make up my mind on its placement dang it!!! also livestream probably in a couple hours or tonight around 5 pm? I don't know might do both just for the heck of it. I really will try to come up with a schedule for these you guys... It would help though if I got the job and knew what hours I'd be working. https://picarto.tv/RmCreatures