Hey there! I will DM you right now and ask for name/address. If you get back to me by the end of Sunday, then you can have the keychain. If for whatever reason you can't get my DM (some have said they can't see it?) then you can email me at pseudocide335@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Still four of these guys waiting for comments on this post (https://tapas.io/episode/1606972) or an address to ship to! Please comment on that post (or here) so I can find you and DM you! If I receive no response by end of New Years, they'll go to another applicant. Thanks!
Question for everyone: I'm considering putting up my novel Reflections of the Desperate and Dumb on Tapas, for free. It contains mass amounts of Justin, from Rainbow Mansion, being an idiot, lol. How many of you read books on Tapas, and what would your interest level be? I'm curious!
I love reading novels (being a novel writer myself), on Tapas and anywhere else, and Justin would make for an intriguing protagonist. I'd surely follow it!
I have also decided to use my Rainbow Mansion twitter that has sat dormant for years... because I'm done with Tumblr's shenanigans. Follow me here! https://twitter.com/Rainbw_mansion
Check out my voting challenge and get free art: http://wandaluvstacos.tumblr.com/post/179361663275/wandaluvstacos-to-all-my-american-followers-in#notes
Just letting everyone know that I made a Redbubble account, in case anyone would like prints. Right now I don't have much, but you can always let me know if you see something you'd like a print of. The three pin-ups of Justin, Teo, and Essie are available, including the Rainbow Mansion cover. Thanks!