Oi! Hey brohams, I'm Raffie. I am a doodler, fanfic writer, artist-ish, and above all crazy-as-bananas sonofabitch.
I'll be making an upcoming Kharther project which i will post every Friday (beacause Fridays are fabulous).
Update! Before I get started on the next chapter I'll be working on redoing the first one. It didn't come out as well as I could've and I have to figure out a good style and also the sticky business of getting the interior of the heart of gold architecturally accurate. So, yeah.
Just when I will myself to try and publish a chapter, it says I have to draw something for the thumbnail. Aaaaaaaauuuuuuhhhhhhhggggggggttthhhhbbbbtbtbbt.
Broham update! This is gonna be the cover for the new series. I wanted to be cute---who knew Khan wore purple space underpants? Well, hope you like it.
Page explanation: I got high on coffeee that night and thought, ''Y'know what, The Heart of Gold should go through a giant-ass pomegranate.'' So, yeah.
This is my first project on this site, I just thought i should start out with a bang. Anywhoozle, it's a Hitchhikers fancomic-----well, it's actually a Kharther fic, but Khannie-poo hasn't shown up yet so nothing too smexual can go on yet.
Oi! I'm just starting up, but i thought i should start with a bang. This is a short comic series that will serve as my first project on this site. It's a Hitchhikers fancomic-------well, actually it's a Kharther fic but Khannie-poo doesn't show up till later. Stay tuned my brohams!