It's been a little while since I've posted here. I have a Bellerophon deadline of June 30th coming up so Shiten has been a little on the DL soooo, sorry about that.. I also want to post this here . I'm not sure if people still do the Ask so and so thing but I think its kinda fun so I am! :D
So update... about brainstorm stare... I am sooo sorry! I guess the upload more than one at a time button did not work or sumging because nothing was there... I actually through for a second that I imagined the whole thing!! Anyway it's up now... XD DERP!!
To anyone out there waiting for the next part of Bellerophon, I am expecting a Christmas release!. You can keep up with frequent updates at
Thanks for your patience and I hope you are as excited as I am about the next issue!
Sorry it has taken a while for the next issue, I have some other art related jobs I am currently working on . I assure you that the next part is in process. I have completes 4 out of about 24 pages and have the remaining 20 sketched out. I would also like to thank those of you who have so far stuck around. It really means a lot! I will post more when I have other information, in the meantime you can follow me and more Bellerophon related updates on facebook at . Thanks !!! Good night!