Hello I carved Xepholen from Infinite Strike into a Pumpkin! I hope you like it. It's part of a supporter shoutout special. If you're interested in seeing the other Pumpkins click here to check out the episode ^^. https://tapas.io/episode/3347409
Hi I've just finished a Huff The Dragon themed fan art Desktop I hope you enjoy! If you're curious here's a link to Huff on Tapas by Huff The Dragon https://tapas.io/series/Huff/info
and to get your own desktop or, have your OC appear in my comics or get your own shoutout card. Visit my Ko-Fi or Patreon ^^
hello everyone! sorry for the inactivity but I have to call it with the Novel; I'm unable to continue Starfallen Everlight for the time being as my health is NOT the best tbh LOL
therefore I'm calling a indefinite hiatus to the novel, no worries tho! most of the important stuff will be covered in the comic nonetheless. smaller details like names, and overall story will be covered in the novel but maybe when I'm more available, I can create the novel into a comic instead! Novels aren't really doing good nowadays, so it'd also help a lot with those who want to keep up with that story.
Here is my entry for the Hawk and Flo collab! Since the MK-verse and Twistverse are two separate realities, Hawk and Flo Adventures is a worldwide famous cartoon in MK-Verse that is beloved by children and kakapos apparently.
And here is the Thriller Vanilla as a Frozen Dessert! It is based on one of the villains from Hawk and Flo Adventures.
Here is a link to my comic if you're interested: https://tapas.io/series/Psychoborg/info